ScreenFloat 2

Instructions for using the ScreenFloat 2 URL scheme

App URL schemes can help you automate functionality, or call features up from different places.
ScreenFloat 2 currently exposes the following features through its URL scheme ‘esssf2‘:
- Capturing a screenshot
- Capturing a timed screenshot
- Recording your screen
as well as
- Creating a screenshot from contents on your clipboard

This document explains how it works.


ScreenFloat’s base URL for starting a capture is


By itself, it does nothing.

The following parameter is required:

Example: esssf2://
Capture a screenshot which, by default, will float.

The following parameters are optional:

Example: esssf2://
Capture a screenshot which then does not float.

Example: esssf2://
Capture a screenshot after a 3 second countdown.

Example: esssf2://
Start a screen recording, and afterwards uploads it to iCloud and copies a link to it to your clipboard.

Create a Shot from your Clipboard

To create a shot from text-, image- or video data on your clipboard, you can use this URL:


If no valid data is on the clipboard, nothing happens.

The following parameter is optional:

Example: esssf2://
Create a screenshot from content on your clipboard which then does not float.

Feedback and Questions

If you have any feedback or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.