
Matthias Gansrigler

Founder and Indie-Developer
of Eternal Storms Software

The following awesome people have helped bring my apps to life


Alexander Käßner

Graphics- and UI Designer
The creator of many of the icons you see on and in my apps.

Very talented and has quickly become my go-to guy for anything the user might see.


Dietmar Kerschner

Icon Designer
The designer of flickery’s, ScreenFloat’s and Yoink’s original icons.

Has a great eye for detail and was always a pleasure to work with.

Legal Information

Matthias Gansrigler
Eternal Storms Software
1220 Vienna, Austria, Europe
(exact information available upon request)
VAT: ATU-68285517
Wirtschaftskammer; Handelsgericht Wien

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Apple, Mac, iMac, MacBook, MacBook Pro, Mac Mini, Apple TV, Pages, Numbers, Keynote, macOS, OS X, Mac OS X, iPad, iPhone, iPod, iOS Magic Keyboard, Magic Mouse and Magic Trackpad are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

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