Eternal Storms Software - Privacy Policy

The gist of this privacy policy:
My name is Matthias Gansrigler, I’m the sole proprietor, developer and owner of Eternal Storms Software. I am not interested in anyone’s data (personal or otherwise), usage patterns, or anything else like that. That’s why I don’t use Cookies on these webpages and don’t have any sort of tracking mechanisms implemented in any of my apps. If an app uses your internet connection, it’s solely for the purpose of providing a certain functionality for the user of the app. Please see 3) Apps for further info.

If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback regarding anything discussed here, please feel free to mail me.

1) General Information
• The website, its domains and sub-domains are registered with, and stored by, They’re located in Germany, Europe, part of the European Economic Area (EEA) Privacy Policy
• I do not sell or give away any personal information to others and thus your data will not be disclosed to any third party unless you have consented explicitly to such a disclosure, or where there is a legal requirement for this to happen
• A "Data Processing Agreement" has been set up between and agreed to by my provider ( and me (Matthias Gansrigler)
• I am not interested in nor do I collect users’ data, personal or otherwise. All I’m interested in is creating great, convenient software and supporting users who use it.

1.1) Websites and e-mails
• My websites consist of the following domains, maintained by all-inkl:,,,,
• When you send an e-mail to one of my e-mail addresses ending in any of the above’s domains, those e-mails are stored on’s servers
• Because mails are stored in Germany and are subject to Germany’s “Grundgesetz” (“fundamental law”), access to mails by is valid only under certain circumstances (for example, when required by law)
• I do not share eMail addresses, names, contents of eMails or any other data transferred by mail with anyone, unless when/if required by law, or if you consent to it (like forwarding information to another developer)
• I also own the domain, registered with and maintained by dynadot; it redirects to

1.2) Analytics / Tracking
• I’ve disabled analytics and tracking for all my websites, I don’t have any analytics or tracking in my apps.
• I am able to see analytics information Apple provides developers with, but that is consented to by users during the setup process of a new user on macOS/iOS, which has nothing to do with me.

1.3) Cookies
• My public websites do not use cookies, but websites I link to might.

1.4) Promo Code Redemption
• When I offer promo codes for my apps (which can be redeemed on the Mac and iOS App Stores), instead of sending out just the promo code itself, I send out a link to a php script on my site:<promo code>.
The website the link leads to makes it easier for users to redeem the code, because they don’t need to copy-paste the code and find the redemption page on the App Store. Instead, the website takes them there with a single click, with the promo code information already filled out.
The website uses a script that accesses a database on my site, storing the following information, and *nothing else*:
- The date the website for the code was last accessed
- The date the code redemption link was clicked, allowing me to know when a code was used and, thus, invalidated
- How often the website for the code was accessed in general, whether it was still valid or not
- Again, *no other information* is stored or even used in the script - I’m not interested in user data, I just want to offer a better service, and know when a promo code is redeemed or approaching expiration.
- You can always “opt out” of using the link by just copying the promo code out of the link, which is the combination of letters and numbers, after ?code=<promo code> in the link

2) iTunes Affiliate Links
• I’m no longer using iTunes Affiliate Links. For the sake of completeness and legacy, here’s my no longer relevant iTunes Affiliate Links policy:
• Links to the App Store on this website and from in my apps use an iTunes Affiliate Program token, which can be obtained here.
• Affiliate links allow me to earn a little more money, by getting a small cut of the price of items purchased through these links
• The token is active for the user that clicked the link for 24 hours (stored in a cookie), meaning any purchases made within that time frame count toward my token, unless other conditions are met (please refer to the iTunes Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions for more information)
• In iTunes Affiliate Program’s Dashboard, I have access to the following information gathered via such links by Performance Horizon:
- The country where the link was clicked (i.e., ‘Austria’, ‘United States’, etc)
- The time the link was clicked
- The kind of item that was purchased (iOS app, Mac app, music, book, movie, etc)
- The campaign I assigned to that link (for example, when I use affiliate links on my blog, I use the campaign ‘blog’, or from my website, ‘website’, etc.) so I know what part of my website the link was clicked on
- I can *not* see IP addresses, Apple IDs or names, or what exactly was purchased (i.e., an app’s name, or a book’s title) — that information is inaccessible to me
• Please refer to the iTunes Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions for more information
iTunes Affiliate Program Support / Help

3) Apps
This section contains the privacy policies for my apps.

3.1) Yoink
• No information is collected by nor transmitted to me (or third parties) when you use Yoink for Mac, iPad or iPhone, or its extensions (the keyboard, the Share/Action extension, the Today Widget and the File Provider)
• By enabling iCloud sync, your data will be synced across your devices using Apple Inc.’s iCloud services.
• iCloud offers public and private databases to developers (public are accessible by everyone, private only by the owning user - you);
Yoink uses iCloud’s private database to store its data, meaning: I have no access to that data
• You can delete Yoink for iPad and iPhone’s data from iCloud by tapping the cloud icon and selecting 'iCloud Data Reset...'
Apple Legal Information (section “iCloud Terms of Service”)

3.1.1) Yoink for iOS
• In Yoink for iOS, your internet connection is used for creating previews of websites or map locations, and for navigating to / previewing URLs stored in Yoink, downloading URLs you specify and for optional iCloud syncing between devices. Yoink for iOS’ extensions
• Yoink’s keyboard extension requires “Full Access”, as it is called in iOS, for two reasons:
1 - To communicate with the main Yoink app (on your device)
2 - To offer drag and drop functionality
• Other functionality available to the extension because of “full access” (like using the internet connection) is not used by Yoink’s keyboard extension
• Yoink for iOS' extensions (the keyboard extension, the file provider extension, the Today Widget extension, the Action/Share extension) do not connect to the internet other than syncing to iCloud (if it’s enabled). Only Yoink’s main app does, for the reasons stated in 3.1.1.

3.1.2) Yoink for macOS
• In Yoink for macOS, your internet connection is used for the purpose of the opt-in favicon loading, for loading the Splash screen videos (from, a simple GET request without any parameters) and for previewing URLs using Quick Look.
• File references, app-content and clipboard history data are stored locally on your device, in the app’s (group) sandbox container folder.
• Yoink for Mac’s Clipboard History feature can store most of what you copy or cut for later access. It is disabled by default, has to be actively enabled by clicking onto Yoink’s widget or by activating it in its Preferences under Extensions, and can be disabled at any time there as well.
Yoink can be made to ignore cuts/copies in specific apps by the user in Preferences > Extensions, and Yoink itself attempts to ignore sensitive data with the following two methods:
1) It ignores any copied/cut content from apps that contain one of the following phrases in their name: Keychain, Enpass, 1Password, KeePass, LastPass, Password, Kaspersky, mSecure, AppLocker, Keeper Password, Passwort, oneSafe, Secrets, Strongbox, RememBear, Dashlane and Bitwarden.

2) It ignores copied content if one of the following data types is present in the current copy: com.agilebits.onepassword, org.nspasteboard.TransientType, org.nspasteboard.ConcealedType, org.nspasteboard.AutoGeneratedType (as openly suggested by developers, for developers, on
If you have additional suggestions, please mail me at
Copied items are stored locally on your Mac.
• Yoink is also available on Setapp. Setapp's Privacy Policy applies.

3.2) Transloader for Mac, iPad and iPhone
• Transloader uses an internet connection solely for the purpose of performing its functionality. No data is collected by or transmitted to me, or third parties.
• The following information is stored in your iCloud account’s private database:
- Links you add to Transloader
- A salted hash of your Macs' MAC addresses and serial numbers
- Metadata like dates, file names and Mac names
- Login cookies you agree to being stored. These cookies are saved locally on your devices you use with Transloader, and Transloader’s iCloud. And to re-iterate, no data is collected by or transmitted to me, or third parties.
• To delete all of Transloader’s iCloud data, please select ‘iCloud' in Transloader’s Preferences and click 'Delete all data...'
Apple Legal Information (section “iCloud Terms of Service”)
• Transloader is also available on Setapp. Setapp's Privacy Policy applies.

3.3) Glimpses for Mac
• Glimpses uses an internet connection to authorize with flickr and Instagram, and to download images from those services
• Because Instagram can not direct you back to Glimpses directly after authorization, I set up the process in a way that Instagram calls my website instead, which then leads you back to Glimpses on your Mac for convenience.
While the authorization token is transmitted to my provider’s server (all-inkl, see point 1) in this process to allow and complete the authorization in the Glimpses for Mac app, no information is stored or collected by me on the server.

3.4) ScreenFloat for Mac
• ScreenFloat uses an internet connection solely for the purpose of performing its functionality. No data is collected by or transmitted to me, or third parties.
• Screenshots you take are stored locally on your devices and aren’t transmitted to any third parties.
• When you take your first screenshot using ScreenFloat, you’ll be prompted to give permission to record your screen.
ScreenFloat uses this permission to create screenshots and recordings when you trigger that functionality within the app. It isn’t used for anything else.
• When you take your first screen recording with microphone or system audio, you will be prompted to give permission.
ScreenFloat uses this permission to record your microphone and/or system audio during your screen recording session when you trigger that functionality in the app. It isn’t used for anything else.
• If you decide to highlight modifier keys and keyboard shortcuts in your video recording, during the recording, ScreenFloat will monitor your keyboard input for the duration of the recording. None of it is logged or stored or transmitted or saved anywhere - it is solely used for the purpose of highlighting the modifiers and keyboard shortcuts in the video you record. The monitoring ends when you end the video recording. You can grant and revoke Input Monitoring permissions any time in System Settings > Security & Privacy > Input Monitoring.
• If you opt in to iCloud sync, your shots, your folders, your tags, and metadata is synchronized over your iCloud account’s private database.
• To delete all of ScreenFloat's iCloud data, please select ‘iCloud' in ScreenFloat's settings and click 'Delete all iCloud data…’
• iCloud Link Sharing uploads your selected file to the iCloud service and copies a link to that file on iCloud to your clipboard, for sharing at your discretion. Links are usually valid for 30 days.
Apple Legal Information (section “iCloud Terms of Service”)
• If you’re using link sharing in ScreenFloat (or plan to), please refer to the service’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. A (free) account is required.
To be able to use the ImageKit service in ScreenFloat, ScreenFloat requires your ImageKitID, as well as your public and private keys (stored by ScreenFloat in macOS’ keychain). This data does not leave your device. You can manage your ImageKit keys here. You can manage your uploaded data here. You can find their documentation on server locations here. The supplied Public/Private key pair is stored in your Mac’s keychain and does not leave your device.
• If you’re using link sharing in ScreenFloat (or plan to), please refer to the service’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. A (free) account is required.
To be able to use Cloudinary service in ScreenFloat, ScreenFloat requires your cloud name, and your public and private API keys (stored by ScreenFloat in macOS’ keychain). This data does not leave your device. You can manage your Cloudinary API keys here. You can manage your uploaded data here. Data Center Location selection only applies to Enterprise accounts and is ignored for other types of accounts, for which data is stored in US data centers (see documentation here). The supplied API Key/Secret key pair is stored in your Mac’s keychain and dooes not leave your device.
• ScreenFloat only facilitates the upload of the image or video to that service and copies a link to that file on their server to your clipboard. It does not have access to your libraries on those services and cannot otherwise access, read, modify or delete the services’ libraries, or accounts.
• ScreenFloat is not affiliated with ImageKit or Cloudinary. Signup links provided for convenience in the app do not contain any referral codes or tracking mechanisms, and are opened in your default browser, not in-app.
• Licenses purchased for ScreenFloat from my website via Paddle are subject to my License Terms of Use/Service. Licenses contain sensitive data like your name, eMail address, and more. No identifiable data is stored on my servers. The trial version, registered with a license, "calls home" from time to time to check the validity of the license. No identifiable data is used in this process.

3.5) Checksums for Mac
• No data is collected in any way, shape or form.
• Checksums only access files you tell it to, whether you have “Full Disk Access” enabled in its preferences or not
• Checksums uses macOS’ built-in cksum and openssl command line utilities to create CRC, MD5, MD4 and SHA hashes. For xxHash hashes, it uses open source code publicly available here
• Checksums does not use nor require an internet connection

3.6) SiriMote for Mac
• No data is collected in any way, shape or form.
• Your internet connection is only used for the purpose of checking for updates of the app, connecting to my server No usage-, nor any other data is transmitted to me or anyone else, other than what is necessary to fulfill the update checking request (mostly just the version number string of your copy of the app, like ‘1.0’).

3.7) BackLog for Mac
• Data collected (i.e. logs) does not leave your Mac, unless you share them yourself.
• Your internet connection is only used for the purpose of checking for updates of the app, connecting to my server No usage-, nor any other data is transmitted to me or anyone else, other than what is necessary to fulfill the update checking request (mostly just the version number of your copy of the app, like ‘1.0’).
• Logs are reproduced directly from your Mac’s archives and may contain sensitive data. Please look over it before sharing with anyone.
• Because of the OSLogStore API, BackLog cannot run in the macOS Sandbox, but it uses the hardened runtime, and has been notarized by Apple.
• Because of the OSLogStore API, BackLog must be run from an admin user, or by running it via ’sudo’. Please use at your own discretion.
• Logs remain locally on your computer until you decide to share them, either via copy-paste, or the built-in share mechanism, which uses macOS’ built-in sharing functionality (like AirDrop, Messages, Mail). Results are discarded when you quit BackLog (temporary files might remain for a while, but are cleared out by macOS regularly).

3.8) Tameno for Apple Watch, iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple TV
• No data is collected in any way, shape or form.
• Tameno doesn’t connect to the internet itself in the first place.
• It does use iCloud (specifically, NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore) to sync recent intervals across your devices.

3.9) Upsies for Mac
• No data is collected in any way, shape or form.
• Your internet connection is not used.

3.10) DeskMat for Mac
• No data is collected in any way, shape or form.
• Your internet connection is only used to check for updates and/or show release notes, and for updating the app in the website-downloaded vesion of the app.
• Screen Recording permission requirement: This is used if you'd like to cover your desktop's icons with the wallpaper you have currently set. A screenshot of that wallpaper is made the moment you activate DeskMat and put over your desktop's icons. Your screen is neither recorded nor captured at any other time.

4) Newsletter (discontinued)

• I did offer a double - opt - in newsletter, but it has since been discontinued. I decided to keep the following (points 4 and 4.1) just for informational purposes.
• The newsletter contains information about new, upcoming and updated apps, as well as other relevant information like promotions or usage tips
• My service of choice is MailChimp
You can subscribe to it here (sign-up is double-opt-in, meaning you’ll have to confirm your email address before your subscription to the newsletter is completed; link removed on purpose)
You can unsubscribe from it here (link removed on purpose because of discontinuation)

4.1) MailChimp Newsletter Service
• MailChimp Legal Information
• Subscribing and unsubscribing happens on MailChimp’s servers, located in the US
• Your email address is only used for the purpose of my newsletter
• MailChimp stores your data in the US
• Data stored by MailChimp may include your email address, date and time of signup and confirmation, your IP address and your full name
• MailChimp uses that data for analytic purposes and newsletter mailings on my behalf and may also use that data to optimize and improve their services (i.e. technical optimization of distribution and portrayal of the newsletter, or for economic reasons, to find out what countries recipients are located in)
• MailChimp does not use that data to contact subscribers themselves, nor give away any data to third parties
• I trust in the reliability and data security measures of MailChimp. They participate in the EU-U.S. “Privacy Shield”, and I’ve agreed to their “Data Processing Agreement”, an agreement wherein MailChimp agrees to secure customers’ data and process it within the bounds of their privacy policy, and - most importantly - not give away any data to third parties
• In some cases, I direct recipients of the newsletter to MailChimp’s websites (for example, the newsletter contains a link to read it online in case of issues with the email client; or if a recipient would like to correct their data; also their legal information is only reachable on their sites)
So I’d like to inform you that MailChimp uses cookies, by which personal data is processed by MailChimp, their partners and their used services. I have no influence on that collection and processing of data

5) Apple 3rd Party Program
• To 'Apple, Inc.' and ‘McShark / HAAI GmbH' employees, I currently offer Yoink for Mac and ScreenFloat for Mac for free
• For an employee to activate their free copy of Yoink for Mac, they need to enter their eMail address, ending in their company domain.
• Activation is double-opt-in, meaning you’ll have to confirm your email address before the activation is complete; the mail contains a link to delete any data from the server
• The eMail is submitted via the internet (via https) from your Mac to my provider’s server for checking and processing
• No personal information (like IP or geo location) is stored in the activation database
• Your eMail is stored in the database only until the activation is completed within the app (at this point, the email gets removed from the database and only a salted hash of it remains), or until the activation is cancelled (at which point the entire entry is removed from the database)
• For activation purposes, a salted hash of your email (‘anonymized'), a timestamp of the activation, and the number of new activations (3 are allowed for Yoink, 2 for ScreenFloat) are stored on my provider’s server; nothing else
• From time to time, this "3rd party" build of Yoink "calls home” (via https, to my server) to check the validity of the email to keep the activation valid; as it’s only a check, nothing is stored in addition to what was stored during initial activation; the same applies for ScreenFloat.

6) Licenses Purchased Directly on my Website
- My Merchant of Record for this is Paddle
- A license is created from and will contain the eMail and name and transactional data sent to my server upon purchase and is tied to the license.
- Licenses are not stored on my servers - an ID of the license is stored for activation and deactivation purposes; this does not contain any sensitive data.

Last update: March 7th, 2025
- Matthias Gansrigler, Eternal Storms Software

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© 2004-2025, Eternal Storms Software, Matthias Gansrigler